King County Sheriff's Office Seeking Owners of Recovered Items from Weekend North Bend Car Prowls

This is from North Bend Police Chief, Mark Toner, and was released this morning, August 20, 2012.  It looks like Snoqualmie wasn’t the only victim of car prowlers in recent weeks.   Please read below and make a report if necessary.

“This weekend North Bend and a few surrounding neighborhoods were targeted by a group of local youths.  The 4 boys, ages 15 – 17, were prowling unlocked cars in the area during the night of Saturday, August 18th, through the morning of Sunday, August 19th.  They actually stole a 2000 BMW from one home and used it to travel to other areas for commit the thefts.

The four boys were arrested at Torguson Park in North Bend on the 19th while in the stolen car.  A variety of items found in the car did not belong to the car’s owner, It is assumed that they were stolen from other victims throughout the night. 

We are looking for the owners of these items.  If you find that your car was prowled this weekend we urge you to file a report with the King County Sheriff’s office as soon as is practical.  The public can file the police report in any of three ways – whichever is most convenient for them.

If you want to have a deputy respond to your home, call our non-emergency line at 206.296.3311 and we’ll dispatch a deputy to your home. 

By calling the same phone number, you can choose to simply file the report over the telephone. 

Finally, if you would like to file the report at your leisure, you can follow the link below and file the report on-line.

All of these reports will come to the King County Sheriff’s deputies that work in North Bend for inclusion in the master case.  We anticipate filing felony charges against the suspected boys this week. 

This series of thefts is a good reminder to ensure people lock their cars and remove valuables from sight, even when parked in their own driveways.  By removing the temptation and opportunity from the thieves we will be taking a significant step toward crime prevention.

If you have any other questions or concerns, call Chief Mark Toner at 425.888.4438.”

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Living Snoqualmie