June 2nd Snoqualmie Valley Elk Management Fundraiser Helps Group Continue Balancing Work Of Local Elk Population

One of my favorite things to witness during my numerous daily drives around the upper Snoqualmie Valley are the elk herds grazing in the fields Meadowbrook Farm.  I’ve seen them many times, but it never gets old.  They always amaze me.  I recognize that those living in their path might feel differently; evidenced by the damage at TPC Snoqualmie Ridge golf course last year.  Luckily the valley has an elk management group to “keep the peace” between the herds and many people who now share their land.

As the presence of elk is a natural part of living in the Snoqualmie Valley, so was the creation of the Upper Snoqualmie Valley Elk Mangement Group, whose goal is to work collaboratively to minimize property damage and public safety risks associated with elk.  They help manage local elk herds for recreational, educational and aesthetic purposes like hunting, scientific study, cultural and ceremonial uses by Native Americans, wildlife viewing and photography.

The Elk Management Group collaborates with many local agencies and interest groups such as the Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, U.S. Forest Service, King County Water and Land Resources, King County Sheriff’s Office, King County Parks, Cities North Bend and Snoqualmie, Muckleshoot, Tulalip, Snoqualmie  Tribes, Hancock Forest Management, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mountains to Sound Greenway, Meadowbrook Farm, hunters, property owners, local businesses and concerned citizens.

None of what the Elk Management Group does would be possible without donations and fundraising.  One of the group’s biggest fundraisers is approaching quickly.  The 2nd Annual Wild Game Dinner and Auction happens this Saturday, June 2nd at 6PM.  The Sno-Valley Senior Center at 4610 Stephens Ave in Carnation is hosting the event.  The silent auction and raffle start at 5PM, followed by dinner at 6PM.  The live auction kicks off at 7:30PM.  Tickets are $55 each and include a 1-year membership the Upper Snoqualmie VAlley Elk Management Group.

Just as the fundraiser name advertises, dinner has wild game on the menu, including elk meatballs and steak.  There’s also roasted half chicken, salads, an eggplant entree for vegetarians, as well as garlic mashed potatoes, green beans – all topped off by a cheesecake buffet with a no host bar to purchase wine and beer.

For tickets email info@snoqualmievalleyelk.org or call Sharen Marshall at 425-941-9107.

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Living Snoqualmie