Join in Shaping Snoqualmie’s Future Parks and Open Space

The City of Snoqualmie is embarking on an exciting project to plan for the future of its parks, recreational areas, open spaces, and trails. This initiative is part of the city’s dedication to offering top-notch parks, trails, facilities, and various programs and events.

The aim is to create a Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan, which will guide the city to set priorities for projects and funding, enhance programs, and envision a thriving future.

This plan will provide a clear direction for the city’s Parks Division and set specific short-term and long-term objectives. The success of this plan heavily depends on the involvement of the public. The city believes that to create a plan that truly reflects the needs and desires of its residents, their active participation is essential.

There are several ways for residents to get involved and share their ideas and preferences. The city has launched various interactive tools, including:

Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of Snoqualmie’s parks, trails, and open spaces. To participate and learn more about this master plan, visit the City of Snoqualmie’s website at Snoqualmie Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan.

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