First Fall Storm Finally Hits Snoqualmie

If you’re new to the area, get ready for Fall’s rude awakening.  October’s been fairly pleasant so far – with more sunny days than rainy ones, mild temperatures and well, no wind yet. That’s all changing as the first big storm of the season rolls in.

I coached soccer at Snoqualmie Ridge Community Park this morning – on the upper field where wind is notoriously bad.   At 9:30AM it was mild and partly sunny – and no wind.  By 11AM the wind kicked up and the skies darkened.  The stormy fall weather we’re accustomed to is back.

Fall in Snoqualmie Valley means one big thing – WIND.  It’s a La Nina year which can intensify fall weather.   It can also mean more snow.  The weather guys say this doesn’t mean a slam dunk for a big snow storm.  It does mean elevations around 500-700 feet will have more 1-3 inch snow events.  I live at 856 feet above sea level – so hello snow!

La Nina or not, we always get our wind out here.  Wind starts to affect my sleep when gusts approach 40mph.  That’s when my windows make that tell-tale weeping noise.  Getting used to Snoqualmie wind is like getting used to traffic noise if you live on a busy street.  Or adjusting to airplane noise if you’re near a flight path.  You learn to pay attention to weather reports the day before garbage pick up.  If the report is for wind – the cans go out in the morning.  It’s all about adjustment when it comes to the wind.

I say to Fall, “Welcome Back!”  I love my fireplace.  I love burning candles.  I love watching the leaves turn bright red.  I can’t wait to make a huge pot of chili while watching Sunday football games.  Bundle up under my fuzzy blanket on the couch… there’s a calmness to it.

There are traditions that come along with each season. When fall starts in Snoqualmie you move your outdoor furniture to the wind-protected side of your home.  You make sure your generator is ready to go.  You replenish your candle and battery supply.  Maybe invest in earplugs. And you know when the wind finally wakes you from a sound sleep it must be a storm that would scare the daylights out of anyone living in Seattle.  No one out here panics.  It’s just a normal fall in the valley.

After all, there’s Seattle windy and then there’s Snoqualmie windy.  To know it is to love it – or maybe just tolerate it for a few months and dream of spring.  Just remember to tie down your garbage can lids!  Welcome back fall!

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Living Snoqualmie