You heard it right Snoqualmie Valley! You finished satisfying your Camp Fire Candy cravings. Now hopefully you saved room for your yearly Girl Scout Cookies.
Local Girl Scout Troops have received their cookie shipments and are ramping up for local site sales. If you pre-ordered cookies from your favorite Girl Scout you should expect delivery soon.
Cookie sales are THE fundraiser for local girl scout troops. Over the past month local troops conducted cookie pre-sales and scheduled future site sales. Cases of cookies were ordered and now it’s time to start selling!
Girl Scouts learn important life skills through their annual Cookie Sale Fundraiser. These include goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills and business ethics. Troops set a cookies sale goal and then work together to accomplish it.
All of the proceeds from a local cookie sales remain in the area where the cookies are sold. This revenue is used to benefit girls, some of it directly by remaining in the Girl Scout troop treasury and some of it indirectly by subsidizing the cost of local Girl Scout programs. Each individual troop decides together how they will spend their sale proceeds. Last year local troops used some proceeds to attend summer Girl Scout Camps and also donated some proceeds to the North Bend Food Bank.
This year’s Girl Scout Cookie varieties include: Lemon Chalet Cremes, Do Si Do, Trefoils, Thank U Berry Munch, Tagalongs, Samoas, Dulce De Leche and Thin Mint. Each box is $4. If you want to support Girl Scouts without the calorie intake you can also purchase a box and donate it to Operation Cookie Drop. Each year Girl Scouts of Western Washington ships cookies to US military personnel through Operation Cookie Drop. Last year local Girl Scout cookie customers donated 121,485 boxes of cookies – 9,000 more boxes than the prior year.
Local Snoqualmie Girl Scout Troop 51333 has numerous site sales scheduled for the coming weeks. You can find them at Snoquamie Ridge IGA on March 3rd, from 6-8PM, March 9th from 4-6PM, and March 12th from 12-6PM. They will also be at North Bend QFC on Friday, March 11th from 2-6PM. So stop by and pick up some cookies from some of my very favorite 3rd grade Girl Scouts! There is also a 4th grade troop selling at IGA on Friday, February 25th from 4-6PM.
For more information of Girl Scout Cookie Sales Fundraiser visit http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies/. For more information on Operation Cookie Drop visit http://www.girlscoutsww.org/cookies/operationcookiedrop.