Have a Green Thumb? Reserve a Community P-Patch Space

Love to garden and/or grow your own vegetables? If so, the City of Snoqualmie Parks Department still has garden plots available for its 2022 Community P-Patch Program. 

Currently, there are four spots available at the Silva Street Garden located at 8356 Silva Ave SE. One space is good for most garden needs, and three are in shaded areas but are still suitable for shade-tolerant plants and vegetables.

The DeLurme Garden, located at 7640 380th Street SE, currently has eight spaces available for the 2022 growing season.

Garden plots (6′ x 12′ or 72 sq. feet) are $25 for one or $45 for two, with a two-plot maximum, through May 15th. Beginning May 16th, each plot is $20 with no plot limit. 

View the 2022 P-Patch Program Rules and Application

Prospective gardeners with questions should email parksconcerns@snoqualmiewa.gov or visit www.snoqualmiewa.gov/570/P-Patch.

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Living Snoqualmie