Got Your Halloween Costumes Figured Out? Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid Brings in National Costume Swap to Help!

Hey Snoqualmie Valley parents preparing to head out and buy, yet again, another brand new costume so your kids can hit the pavement in search of mountains of candy this Halloween night!  Here’s an innovative idea that could save you some money…

Halloween comes just once a year.  As a result Halloween costumes, well, they get worn one time … maybe twice if there’s a younger sibling willing to wear it again.  Chances are your costumes are still in good enough shape to pass them along to another child.  From that simple idea, every kid’s favorite holiday just got more parent (and planet-friendly) thanks to National Costume Sway Day.

For the third year, local businesses Small Threads for Kids, the CleanScapes Store, and Adventure Kids Playcare are partnering with family friendly Macaroni Kid Snoqualmie Valley – Issaquah to bring the fun national event to Issaquah.  A costume swap is maybe the most fun way to recycle. Kids get “new-to-them” costumes, and parents get to save money while helping the planet.

“Admittedly, swapping costumes is a shift in the way kids think; it has become the norm to decide what you ‘want to be’ and then head to the nearest box store and buy a new costume,” said Diana Reul-Shapiro, co-Publisher/Editor of Macaroni Kid Snoqualmie Valley-Issaquah.

“In contrast, a swap offers children the chance to make a decision with an open-mind and possibilities laid out before them. Dare I say it may even be reminiscent of those times you raided your parent’s closet to put together a costume … you know, back in the day,” explains Diana.

Drop off your swap-able costumes at Small Threads for Kids or CleanScapes Store in Gilman Village during business hours between now and October 12th.   In exchange for your costume(s) you will be given a Swap Ticket to be brought back for the event (hosted by Small Threads) on Saturday, October 13th, from 8AM to 10AM.  

During the event, participants also receive a 20% discount on all Small Thread merchandise.  To sweeten the deal further, Adventure Kids Playcare is offering a 20% discount on childcare before noon on the day of the swap.  Expect a few goodies from Green Halloween and Macaroni Kid, too!

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