Empower Youth Network (EYN) is pleased to announce the 2022 Give a Night Save a Life event supporting our focus on youth suicide and substance use prevention on September 29, 2022, 6 -8 p.m. at two different locations – Snoqualmie Falls Brewery in Snoqualmie and Miller’s – A Gathering Place in Carnation. Carnation Café & Lounge provides food in Carnation.
This event coincides with September’s Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Duvall, Carnation, North Bend and Snoqualmie, the town of Fall City and the Riverview School District have joined by adopting a proclamation for the month to raise the visibility of mental health resources and suicide prevention services available in our community.

Give a Night Save a Life highlights the important role Empower Youth Network plays in keeping youth connected. We know that ‘connection’ is the key to prevention. EYN prevention programs are:
- How To Help A Friend suicide prevention training in school classrooms
- Guiding Good Choices parenting workshops
- Youth Mental Health First Aid workshops
- #YourLifeYourChoice Substance Use prevention program at Mount Si
- #BeSmartDontStart Substance Use prevention program at CHS
- #BeKindSV – suicide prevention program in the elementary schools
The $50 entry fee includes a ticket to enter door prize drawings, one drink ticket and a taco bar. Local businesses and artists provide door prizes. This year’s Grand Prize drawing is a $500 gift card to El Gaucho/Aerlume. Pre-purchase entry tickets and door prize tickets or donate here: https://empoweryouthnetwork.org/give-a-night-save-a-life/. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Generous sponsors for this event include Snoqualmie Falls Brewery, Miller’s – A Gathering Place; Carnation Café & Lounge; Alpine Interactive Medicine, Ben & Jerry’s – Issaquah Highlands, Duvall Advanced Family Eye Care, Edward Jones Duvall – Danny Edwards; Guard Well RV and Boat Storage, Lennon Crane and Equipment Company; Linnerooth Waldner Team – Remax NW, Lisa Sprute – RE/MAX Northwest, Magnuson Lowell PS, Mountain Valley Psychological Services, PLLC, Movement Mortgage, and Snoqualmie Valley Health.