The North Bend Theatre joins other U.S. cinemas in celebrating the inaugural National Cinema Day on Saturday, September 3.
For one day only, all movie tickets will be just $3. This newly-launched event is the movie industry’s thank you to moviegoers for a successful summer.
“After this summer’s record-breaking return to cinemas, we wanted to do something to celebrate moviegoing,” said Jackie Brenneman, president of The Cinema Foundation, the non-profit arm of the National Association of Theater Owners. “We’re doing it by offering a thank you to the moviegoers that made this summer happen and by offering an extra enticement for those who haven’t made it back yet.”
September 3 will be a nationwide special-pricing day in more than 3,000 theaters and on more than 30,000 screens. All major film studios are participating, as are all the major theater chains and independent theaters such as the local, historic North Bend Theatre. Across the country, tickets will be no more than $3 for every showing, in every format.

Beth Burrows, owner of the North Bend Theatre, says this is a first for U.S. cinemas. “This has never happened before. It’s the first time that the studios and theaters have joined together to put on an event at this scale. It is a wonderful way to express thanks to our movie audiences. We really do appreciate our audiences and cannot wait to see them all on Saturday to watch a movie or two or three.” Burrows added that as part of the Cinema Day celebration, the studios have also provided theaters with special clips from many upcoming fall movies.

Theaters are looking forward to fall. After a remarkably successful spring and summer, the box office slowed dramatically in August. It was the first month since January when no movie grossed over $100 million. Both studios and theaters are counting on National Cinema day to entice audiences back to the movies.
On Saturday, the Tom Cruise blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick will be playing at 3 PM and 7 PM at the North Bend Theatre, followed by a special midnight showing of the 1968 horror classic Night of the Living Dead.