Friday Family Time: Fire Trucks, Ice Cream and Fun!

Looking for something fun to do with the kids after Friday’s Snoqualmie Valley School District Early Release day?

Umpqua Bank in North Bend is sponsoring a free community event/Kids Day, September 12, 2014, from 10AM – 3PM, right in the bank’s parking lot and complete SnoFireTruckwith local police and fire departments and lots of ice cream – Ice Cream, Fire Trucks and Fun!

Families have a chance to visit with local fire and police officers, check out those big red fire trucks and cool SUV police vehicles –  and satisfy a sweet tooth on a sunny, warm Friday afternoon.  Temperatures are expected to be around 80 degrees.

Police explorers will also be on hand creating personalized kid ID cards – ready right on the spot for Snoqualmie Valley families.

Umpqua Bank (formerly Sterling Savings) is located at 146 W 2nd Street in downtown North Bend – right next to the old fire station.

Just look for a fire truck in the parking lot and you’re in the right spot.



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