The topic of resilience has become not only increasingly popular, but increasingly important in today’s culture. To be resilient means to have the capacity to recover quickly from difficult circumstances, trauma or crisis. In other words, the ability to “bounce back.”
Almost half the nation’s children have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma, according to a new survey on adverse childhood experiences by the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH). When a child experiences trauma, scientific studies show that their brains develop differently and if something isn’t done, they could be at risk for chronic disease and/or mental illness as adults.
The Snoqualmie Valley Community Network desires to do something about it and are offering a FREE series of workshops on how to build resilient communities.
The community is invited to hear leaders like Rachel Dexheimer and Swil Kanim share their insight about “Thrival” and “Healing through Storytelling.”
Two different series are being offered right now, with multiple dates: one for the Riverview area and one for the upper Snoqualmie Valley.
If you are a parent, looking for ways to raise healthy, successful children, an educator hoping to make an impact on youth that have experienced trauma or a community member that wants to be apart of building a healthy community, SVCN says these workshops are for you.
For more information and to register, click the links below:
- Workshop #3: April 17th
- Workshop #4: May 15th
The Riverview series take place at 31951 W Bird Street, Carnation, WA.
Snoqualmie Resilient Series:
- Workshop #2: April 16th
- Workshop #3: May 7th
- Workshop #4: May 21st
Snoqualmie workshops take place at the Snoqualmie Police Stations, 34825 SE Douglas Street.
About the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network
The Snoqualmie Valley Community Network inspires and promotes youth to lead safe, healthy, and successful lives. Healthy youth and families are a priority for the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, and youth suicide and substance abuse prevention are two of their highest priorities. This important work must involve all sectors of the community in collaboration to change norms and environmental conditions that influence personal health decisions.
The community is invited to bring your energy, passion, and care to meetings, events, and initiatives. Together, we are creating a caring community. Please visit: