Have some old electronics you’d like to rid your home of, but don’t know what to do with them? If so, the Sallal Grange in North Bend has you covered this weekend.
The Sallal Grange is hosting a FREE Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday, January 24th & Sunday, January 25th from 9AM to 6PM – both days. The Grange is located at 12912 432nd Avenue SE, right on the corner of 432nd and North Bend Way.
The grange happily announced this week that all cell phones donated during the event will be donated to Verizon’s Hopeline Program, which connects survivors of domestic violence to vital resources and funds organizations nationwide.
Electronic items accepted:
TV’s (No Projection)
Computers (Servers,
Desktops, & Laptops)
Computer Parts &
Printers (Laser & Inkjet)
Ink/Toner Cartridges
Scanners & Copiers
Cell Phones
Small Appliances
Stereo Equipment
CD, DVD, Blu-ray, VHS
Video Games
Questions about the recycling event can made by emailing the Sallal Grange at recycle@sallalgrange.org. More info can be found at www.sallalgrange.orgPhoto: Sallal Grange webstie.