Hey deal shoppers – looking for one HUGE yard sale? Well then, Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church has you covered this starting (today) Thursday, July 28th – July 31st at Tollgate Farm Community Park on SE North Bend Way.
This four-day, ‘biggest yard sale you have ever seen,’ runs each day from 8AM – 5PM and funds raised will be donated to Planet Changer to provide clean water for children in Uganda, as well as $10,000 donated to Snoqualmie Valley non-profits to help the homeless .
Over 14 storage unit were filled with items in preparation for the event. Here are a few pictures to show you the sheer amount of items available at this gigantic yard sale. Looks like a garage sale lovers paradise!
Special note – organizers announced that on Sunday, July 31st all remaining items are FREE! Yes, free – and there’s lots of great stuff left. Organizers do say, though, that they will “happily accept donations for the kids we are working hard to provide clean water for in Africa.”
This will be the BIGGEST YARD SALE you have ever seen!! 100% of the money raised will be going to building more wells in Uganda, Africa to Save children dying from water borne diseases. Along with that… I will be donating $10,000.00 back into the Snoqualmie Valley to meet the needs of Homeless families. Please join me in this wonderful cause. Please donate all your stuff that you dont want or need to me so I can fulfill my dream of saving more lives and giving hope to families with the gift of clean water. Thank you for your generousity. I cant do this without all of you.