Forget about standing in line for a drivers permit! Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Charles Eckardt of Snoqualmie, a member of the Redmond-based Overlake Squadron – Civil Air Patrol (CAP) flew solo in a CAP glider last week at the Desert Eagle Flight Encampment held in Ephrata, WA.
The FAA allows cadets to fly solo in gliders at age 14 and in powered aircraft at age 16, which often results in local CAP youth members flying solo in an aircraft before they ever drive solo in a car.
Cadet Eckardt has been a member of the squadron for three years and hopes to attend the US Air Force Academy after high school.

Overlake Squadron – Civil Air Patrol
Formed in 1941, the Civil Air Patrol is the all-volunteer auxiliary of the US Air Force. The CAP cadet program is open to youth aged 12 – 17 and is focused on providing leadership, flying, aerospace science education and outdoor activity experiences to Eastside youth.
The CAP Overlake Squadron will have a recruiting booth at the Snoqualmie Police Department’s (SPD) 2nd Annual Night out Against Crime event being held Tuesday, August 5, 2014, at SPD headquarters at 34825 SE Douglas Street, at the corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Douglas.
The community-wide event runs from 5PM – 9PM and is open to all communities in Snoqualmie and North Bend. Snoqualmie Police officers will be barbecuing hot dogs and serving chips and beverages.
Night Out Against Crime features:
- Chance to meet the police officers that serve the upper Snoqualmie Valley
- Tour the police station, gun range and jail
- See exhibits from the Washington State Patrol Bomb Squad and K-9 Units, 911 Dispatch, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and a SWAT Peacekeeper
- Share information and get to know your neighbors
- Bouncy houses, airbrush tattoos and prizes for the kids.
- NEW THIS YEAR – Ride the mechanical bull
This event is held on the same night every year across the country to bring communities together for crime prevention awareness and neighborhood camaraderie. Parking is limited. Those residents who live near the Police Department are encouraged to walk, run, or bike to the event.
For more information about National Night Out, visit