On April 18, 2023, at the City Council Meeting, there will be a first reading of a resolution authorizing Mayor Rob McFarland to sign an agreement for the wholesale water supply with the Sallal Water Association.
A second and final reading of the resolution is anticipated to be held at a later City Council Meeting in June 2023.
The draft Water Supply Agreement (WSA) results from renewed negotiations between the Sallal Board and the City of North Bend that resumed in late 2022. Under this WSA, Sallal’s Rattlesnake Wells would serve as a mitigation water source for the city.

The city would sell domestic water to Sallal from the Centennial Well or Mt. Si Springs to increase the capacity of Sallal’s water supply to their members.
As a municipal water system, the City must manage its water supply efficiently to provide sufficient water for its entire customer base now and well into the future. The City and Sallal are actively working toward a mutually beneficial and supportive WSA.
City Council meetings are held at North Bend City Hall at 7 p.m., located at 920 SE Cedar Falls Way, and are open to the public. There will be an opportunity for in-person and virtual public comments of three minutes or less after the staff report on the WSA resolution.
For more information on the resolution, refer to page 115 of the April 18 City Council Packet. Learn more about this topic by visiting the East North Bend Water Update webpage.
[Information provided by the City of North Bend]