Today, May 30, at 1:30 pm, the first appearances for three of the seven juveniles arrested for escaping from Echo Glen were held at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center in Seattle.
At the first appearance, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPOA) argued that each of the three juveniles represents a danger to the community and should be held; the judge agreed.
The Court found probable cause in for:
- Count 1. Robbery-1
- Count 2. Kidnap-1
- Count 3. Assault-3
- Count 4. Theft of Motor Vehicle
- Count 5. Escape-1
*Note: The probable cause is for two defendants; the third hasn’t yet been uploaded to the public court file.
They are currently in custody at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center instead of being transported back to Echo Glen at this time.

The filing deadline for each is June 1, and the next court date is June 2 at 1:30 pm at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center, courtroom 3D.
The other four juveniles were arrested in Clark County. They are expected to return to King County today if no alleged crimes were committed in Clark County.
Great to hear that they have made their court appearances and are being held. Have also heard that all seven of the escapees are now in custody.