Firefighters Honored for Service and Community Outreach

The Snoqualmie Fire Department and the Snoqualmie Firefighters Association recently honored career and volunteer firefighters for their service to the community in an annual banquet attended by department members and their families.

Awards included top response by a volunteer, distinguished service for community outreach, and years of service. Read more about the award winners:

  • Career Firefighters of the Year – Michael Stevens and Darby Summers.
  • Volunteer Firefighters of the Year – Justin Venezia and Robert Angrisano.
  • Top Responder (most responses by a volunteer) – Justin Venezia.
  • Bud King Award (public service/philanthropy) – Sara York.
  • Brass Ring Awards – (given to volunteers who become career firefighters). Peter O’Donnell (Snoqualmie),  Julia Sergeant (Everett), and Tanner Hillier (Fall City).
  • Chief’s Medal (public service) – Mike Bailey for 10 months as Interim Fire Chief. Mike led the department for 10 months handling the day-to-day operations as well as leading all fire service activities. “He did a great job and is most deserving of this recognition,” said Fire Chief Mark Correira.
  • Sara York – Certificate of Appreciation for serving as the Snoqualmie Firefighter Association President for 2020-2021.
  • VEMS Catherine Cotton received a 20-Year Service Pin for departmental service.

The following individuals received a certificate of appreciation for participating in one of the five department-sponsored mass vaccination events:

  • VEMS Robert Angrisano
  • VEMS Catherine Cotton
  • VEMS Jesse Curlee
  • VEMS Josh Demetrescu
  • VFF Tanner Hillier
  • VEMS Lorrie Jones
  • VEMS John Paul Likes
  • VFF Paul Marrero
  • VEMS Anna Meehan
  • VEMS Mark Mulligan
  • VEMS Tony Ohrazda
  • VEMS Adrian Otterness
  • VEMS Julia Sargeant
  • VEMS John Solms
  • FF Theresa Tozier
  • VEMS Tom Walker
  • VEMS Sara York

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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