On June 8, 2023, Snoqualmie Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management Mark Correira announced that he would leave the City effective June 29, 2023. He will further his career as the chief of a larger fire agency in California.
“Serving this City for the past nine years has been very rewarding personally and professionally, and I am very proud of the Fire Department’s list of accomplishments during my tenure,” said SFD Fire Chief Correira. “These accomplishments were achieved through collaboration with the firefighters, City staff, and elected officials, so I will not take full credit.”

Mayor Ross will appoint current SFD Deputy Fire Chief Mike Bailey as Interim Fire Chief. Bailey has been with the department for 24 years, including serving as Interim Fire Chief for nine months in 2022. Councilmembers will consider the Mayor’s appointment at their June 26 City Council meeting.
“We are grateful for Chief Correira’s dedicated service to the Snoqualmie community, our City, and our fire department for nearly a decade. We wish him the best as he takes this next step in his fire and emergency service career,” said Mayor Katherine Ross. “I am confident in Deputy Fire Chief Bailey’s strong leadership and ability to maintain the high service levels our residents have come to expect.”
The City is currently evaluating the next steps for hiring a permanent fire chief.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]