Here are a few of the calls the Snoqualmie Fire Department responded to during the past two weeks:
July 26th
At around 8:05AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a small, beauty bark fire at a Ridge residence. Fire was extinguished, and dirt turned over to prevent re-ignition.
At around 3:55PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters dispatched to a vehicle fire on SR18 near Tiger Mountain summit. The unit arrived to find a fully involved unoccupied Toyota truck. Snoqualmie Firefighters established command and attended to the driver while other Eastside units handled fire suppression. The driver of the vehicle stated he saw what he believed to be steam coming from the gap between the bed and cab of his truck and pulled over to investigate. When he stopped, the smoke became thicker and when he looked under the vehicle he realized it was a fire and quickly moved away. The cause of
the fire appeared to be mechanical failure.
July 27th
At around 5:05PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters investigated a citizen walk-in report of a “motor vehicle accident at the roundabout at SR 203 and 202.” There were no injuries and Fall City crews took over the accident scene.
July 28th
At around 8:55AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters provided incident standby for the Raging River Mountain Bike event held at the Snoqualmie Point Park. Snoqualmie Firefighters assumed Incident Command and primary attack fire protection for the event. No injuries or incidents reported.
At around 7:00PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted other Eastside units with a one-car motor vehicle accident on SR18. The patient refused treatment and was left with Washington State Patrol.
July 29th
At around 11:20PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched for a 51-year-old male experiencing possible heart symptoms at Meadowbrook Urgent Care. Upon arrival, no patient was found. Contact was attempted by both dispatch and firefighters and was unsuccessful. The patient was eventually found at Snoqualmie Valley Hospital being treated in the emergency room. His wife stated that her husband demanded she drive him to the hospital rather than wait for the fire department.
July 30th
At around 10:30AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with other Eastside units to a reported two-vehicle traffic accident with minor injuries. The unit assisted a man in his 60s who was experiencing neck and back pain after being rear-ended at 30+ mph at a stop. The patient was transported to Swedish Medical Center in Issaquah.
At around 12:15PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched with multiple other Eastside units for a reported roof fire on Mountain Ave SE called in by the homeowner. The homeowner was unclear if she was evacuating or the status of other residents inside of the house. The unit arrived to find smoke from the roof and obvious fire from the exterior of the
structure. The Snoqualmie unit established command, a water supply, and made the stretch to the front door to engage in fire attack. While approaching the structure, the caller advised that her husband was still inside. Firefighters made quick access to where the disabled homeowner was located and assisted him from the first floor to the front yard. It appeared that the fire was in the attic and not the main living space. Snoqualmie firefighters worked the roof for ventilation control. Eastside firefighters conducted interior fire attack. Due to the heat, all crews were rehabbed immediately after withdrawing from the structure. While interviewing the homeowner, she stated that a roofer had been doing repairs on the house and had apparently left for lunch. Homeowner advised she smelled smoke and went to check and found flames coming from the roof, calling 911. King County Sheriff’s Office Fire Investigator responded to the scene and took photos, interviewed the crews and homeowner. The official cause is under investigation.
At around 7:30PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters and other Eastside units responded to a single-car rollover motor vehicle accident on Westbound I-90. There were seven passengers total, who self-extracted from their vehicle. All patients were transported to Overlake Hospital in Bellevue.
At around 7:30PM, Snoqualmie Fire Chief and aid crew dispatched for a reported 48- year-old female experiencing a panic attack. Patient care was handled by aid crew.
At around 8:00PM, Snoqualmie Fire Chief responded from City Hall to Snoqualmie Falls lower boardwalk for a reported hiker accident. The Fire Chief entered on foot and found the patient sitting on the boardwalk at the viewing platform with an obvious fractured left ankle. The patient stated that he accessed the area outside the fence to view the falls from rocks outside the platform. When accessing the boardwalk to return, he climbed over the 10 ft high fence, inched his way down and let go falling a few feet and landing wrong. The patient was a 36-year-old male with no medical history. A Snoqualmie Aid
Unit was hailed and asked to bring additional equipment including splint and stairchair. Unit arrived approximately five minutes later, secured his left leg in a splint, placed in a stairchair, and extricated the victim to the aid unit. The patient was transported to Swedish, and Fire Chief transported friend to her car at the upper parking lot.
August 1st
At around 5:10PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were called to dispatch to the library for a small bark fire. Upon arrival, the crew was met by a staff member who stated flames were coming out of the bark on the North side of the building. The firefighters
extinguished the smoldering bark and cleared the area to prevent re-ignition.
August 2nd
At around 5:55PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted other Eastside units with a cardiac arrest call in Cedar Village, North Bend.
August 4th
At around 3:50AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a second residential house fire within a week, this one located on Snoqualmie Ridge. Numerous other Eastside units also participated. The crew arrived to find heavy fire in the main entrance of the house. The main fire was quickly extinguished, and firefighters entered the home to look for occupants. An occupant was injured attempting to extinguish the fire and sustained burns to his arms. He was transported to the hospital and will recover from his injuries. One firefighter was transported to the hospital for a medical related issue, but after evaluation was discharged and returned to work. Cause of fire was a compost pile near the entrance that had spontaneously combusted. Estimated damage is $100,000.
At around 9:05AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a report of an adult male covered in blood on the Snoqualmie Falls trail. The patient was found by police without injuries covered in blueberry juice. The patient stated the blueberry juice was for spiritual reasons. No evaluation needed.
At around 9:45AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted another Eastside unit with a large patient that needed to be moved to a gurney.
At around 12:20PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were notified of smolder remnants from the earlier residential house fire. Arriving on scene, firefighters found smoldering landscaping next to the front entrance. Vegetation and adjacent area was extinguished. Firefighters also checked the area with a TIC (thermal imaging camera) and found elevated temperatures on the outside wall behind where the kitchen range was. The siding was removed and water applied.
At around 4:00PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were phoned at the station by a citizen with a report of a fire in their yard in a bark pile they had extinguished. Homeowner stated fire was 12 inches high and they had extinguished with garden hose. Firefighters examined the area and advised homeowner to put a sprinkler on that side of the house to make sure there wasn’t a repeat of the fire.
At around 5:20PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to the smell of natural gas in a residence. The unit arrived to find residents out of the house and they were informed of a natural gas smell coming from the garage. A slight smell was noticed in the garage. The area was inspected and the gas meter was shut down. PSE was notified.
August 5th
At around 12:40AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted an elderly patient who had fallen on the floor from their sofa. The patient was uninjured.
At around 9:45PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted other Eastside units with a two-car motor vehicle accident on SR18. Two patients were transported to local area hospitals.
August 6th
At around 9:45AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were called to the Habitat for Humanity club house due to a smell of gas. Upon arrival it was discovered that the emergency generator had run its scheduled weekly maintenance and was the source of the gas smell.
At around 10:05PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a report of smoke in a garage. Upon arrival crews found the circuit board to the furnace had shorted out and burned. The crew secured power to the furnace and instructed the homeowner to call a furnace technician.
August 7th
At around 8:55AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters dispatched to a Ridge business for a reported activated fire alarm called in by the alarm monitoring company. Firefighters arrived to find the building evacuated with no signs of fire from the exterior. The unit
investigated the interior and the activated detector located in a utility closet. There was no discovery of an interior fire. The system was reset with no further incident.
At around 9:25AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with other Eastside units for a reported natural gas main line fracture near the Wood River development in North Bend. Snoqualmie Firefighters arrived first and established command, requesting assistance. The units were instructed to notify homeowners in the area of the fracture. Once PSE was onsite, firefighters provided safety by establishing hose-line and safety personnel, while PSE crews went into the hole to clamp the gas main. No injuries were reported, and the scene was turned over to Puget Sound Energy.
At around 2:30PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters and other Eastside units were dispatched to a reported unconscious, non-responsive male lying on the grass at the Mount Si Senior Center. Upon arrival firefighters advised that the patient had a pulse but was not breathing. Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted with manpower to transfer the patient to Overlake Hospital Medical Center in Bellevue.
At around 6:00PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a reported brush fire on the edge of the Snoqualmie River. Firefighters engaged in fire attack and overhaul. The fire was controlled prior to other units arriving and was limited to brush and grass along the river edge with minor extension to the trees. There was no obvious cause for the fire, and the unit stayed on scene to wait for the King County Sheriff’s Office investigator.
August 8th
At around 8:05AM, Snoqualmie Firefighters and other Eastside units dispatched to a multi-car motor vehicle accident on Eastbound Highway 18. One patient was transported to Swedish Hospital.
At around 6:05PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters were called to a minor motor vehicle accident on Jacobia Avenue SE. Police requested patient evaluation.
At around 7:20PM, Snoqualmie Firefighters and other Eastside units were dispatched to a two-vehicle motor vehicle accident head-on collision on Boalch Ave SE. Firefighters arrived to find a patient with neck-collar on and back boarded. The patient complained of knee, wrist and shoulder/chest pain due to seatbelt. The driver was the single occupant in the vehicle traveling approximately 35 mph when involved in a head-on collision after another car crossed the center line. Airbags deployed. Patient was transferred to Swedish Hospital in Issaquah.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 28 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to date to 596.]