June 27th
At 7:35AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to the scene of a car fire on I-90. The owner of the car was able to extinguish the fire prior to to firefighters arrival.
June 28th
At 12:48AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a residential fire alarm on SE 68th Street which was found to be set off by a bad smoke detector.
June 29th
At 8:42PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to the scene of a one-car injury accident on I-90 near milepost 34. The patient was able to get out of the vehicle and was transported to Overlake Hospital.
June 30th
At 9:27PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to reported smoke alarm coming from a business in the Ridge area. Upon arrival they discovered it to be a malfunctioning detector.
July 2nd
At 12:25AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with Eastside Fire & Rescue to a reported wildland fire in the North Fork Timber area.
At 12:24PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a residential smoke detector which was found to have been set off by steam from a boiling pot.
At 2:20PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a possible appliance fire. Homeowner had smoke and a strong burning smell coming from their garage door opener. Neighborhood child stuck his scooter under the door then attempted to close the door which caused the motor in the unit
overheat and began to smoke. E155 arrived and spoke to the homeowner who found the door opener to be warm to the touch, unit was unplugged and no other damage was found.
July 3rd
At 11:32AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a smoke detector alarm which was found to have been set off by a power outage.
At 3:55PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted Eastside Fire with an outbuilding fire that was located near NE 24th Street in Carnation. Crews stayed at scene until fire was extinguished.
At 7:10PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to Fisher Park for report of smoke. Arrived and found no smoke.
At 11:05PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to illegal fireworks report in the 7000 block of Allman Avenue SE. Arrived and enforced the City Fireworks code.
July 5th
At 7:29PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to reported smoke alarm coming from a home in the 7000 block of Silent Creek Avenue SE. Upon arrival they discovered it to be a malfunctioning detector.
July 6th
AT 3:05PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a report of a smoke detector sounding. Upon arrival the home was locked and unoccupied. A search was conducted and crews could see no sign of fire.
At 7:39PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to business in 35000 block of Snoqualmie Parkway for an automatic fire alarm. When they arrived, they found that steam set off the detector in the restroom. The staff reset the alarm before the crew arrived.
July 7th
At 12:01PM Snoqualmie Fire and Aid crews were dispatched to a vehicle off the roadway westbound SR18 near milepost 25. Upon arrival they found a large SUV off the roadway approximately 40-60 feet with moderate damage and laying on its side with airbags deployed. Both the driver and passenger were able to exit the vehicle without injury.
At 9:38PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with Eastside Fire for a reported automatic fire alarm at a business in the 35000 block of Douglas Avenue SE. Upon arrival crews noted sounds of an alarm but no signs of fire. Crews investigated and found no fire and was able to reset the alarm
system. Business owner will take necessary action to have the alarm repaired.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 14 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to date of 611 for 2019.]