February 20th
At 5:15PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a report of a 1-year-old chocking on a chicken nugget. Crews arrived to find child breathing normally and left in care of the mother.
February 21st
Around 7:15AM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched for an adult female complaining of chest pain and nausea. She was transported to Snoqualmie Valley Hospital for further evaluation.
Around 3:15PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted a male in his 40’s complaining of dizziness and tunnel vision, which had been occurring for approximately 2 hours. He was taken to Snoqualmie Hospital by the family.
February 23rd
At 7:25AM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched for an 11-year-old female complaining of abdominal pain and nausea. She was evaluated and stayed at home with her mother. They were advised to call back if anything changes.
Around 8:15AM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted Washington State Patrol for a reported tree in the roadway on SR 18 due to a mudslide. WSP advised the roadway was stable and they needed saws to help clear the road. Firefighters responded and cut multiple trees out of the roadway. The scene was turned over to WSP.
Around 9:15AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a reported transformer arcing and sparking on SR 202 near Northern St. On arrival, no obvious signs or issues were noted. Speaking to the caller, she advised crews that the wires were bouncing, sparking and smoke was coming from the transformer. There were no reported power outages and no signs of fire or smoke. Firefighters advised caller to contact the Fire Department if it happened again.
February 24th
Around 8:10AM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a residential fire alarm – a neighbor called it in stating he could hear the alarm going off in the house next door. Firefighters arrived at a small, two-story house with no obvious signs of fire. Crews made entry into the garage and located a phone number for the homeowner. He was contacted and stated he would come home and reset the alarm.
February 25th
At 4:20PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with other units to a reported rolled-over semi-truck on SR 18. Initial reports indicated it was likely a non-injury accident, but Washington State Patrol needed help accessing the patient due to the truck being over an embankment and the patient sitting on the top. Firefighters utilized a roof ladder to make a bridge from the roadway to the truck to access the driver. The driver stated she was not injured and did not want help. Firefighters cleared the scene after making sure no other vehicles were involved.
Around 7:45PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a reported oven fire. The homeowner advised that the display screen on the unit showed an error code and then would not turn off, causing the contents to catch fire inside the oven. The oven door locked and would not open, so he called the Fire Department. Crews arrived to find a house that had been evacuated with light smoke coming out the front door. Firefighters investigated and found that the fire was contained to the oven and the oven was not on. Crews consulted with the homeowner and were authorized to force the oven door open to remove the contents to get the unit to quit smoking and burning. Firefighters did minimal damage to the oven, however, there was significant smoke and fire damage inside of the unit. Crews secured the power and gas and advised the homeowner to contact a repair technician. Damage was estimated at $1500.
Around 9:20PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted the Snoqualmie Police in evaluating a 58-year-old male in police custody. Firefighters assessed the patient and left him with the Snoqualmie PD.
February 26th
Around 6PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted a 35-year-old female experiencing shortness of breath and abdominal pain who had stopped on SR 18. She was evaluated and transported to Swedish Hospital in Issaquah.
At 6:45AM Snoqualmie Firefighters E155 responded to a fire alarm called in by the alarm company at the Salish Lodge. Unit arrived and was met by staff advising that the mechanical room had filled with smoke and they believed a motor shorted out. There was no fire and the building was already airing out. Crews went to the mechanical room with maintenance staff and confirmed that there was no problem and reset the fire alarm.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 15 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to 197 for 2020.]