August 2nd
Around 12:30am, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a residential fire alarm on SE Moses St. Upon arrival, the homeowner notified the crew that the alarm was accidentally set off by burning food.
August 3rd
Around 10:45am, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at the new high school. Alarm techs were on-site testing the alarm and had failed to notify the alarm company of the testing.
Around 1:55pm, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a fire alarm sounding in a vacant house. Crews gained access by using a neighbor’s key and found a detached smoke detector in the garage sounding. The detector was deactivated.
August 6th
Around 11:45am, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with numerous other units to a brush fire on westbound I-90 near milepost 40. Firefighters assisted with manpower for extinguishing the fire and provided water to other units. They were eventually relieved by Forest Service personnel.
Around 6:55pm, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with other units to a reported drowning at Rattlesnake Lake. A 38-year-old male reportedly jumped off a boat and never surfaced. Dispatched crew provided two rescuers with a kayak, a drone operator, and a rescue group supervisor. The unit worked with King County Sheriff’s Office and Seattle Watershed staff. Eventually they had to call off the search due to lack of daylight. The scene was turned over to Sheriff’s Office for continued search the following morning. The drowned swimmer was eventually recovered.
Around 10:25pm, Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a fire alarm at a Ridge business. The crew made access and the alarm panel showed the alarm coming from a mechanical closet. Firefighters located the closet and found that the air compressor had overheated, causing the heat detector to activate. There were no signs of fire and the system was reset. The property manager was notified.
Around 10:50pm, Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted another unit with a 40-year-old male experiencing intoxication symptoms. The firefighters agreed with the medic’s assessment to leave the patient at home.
August 7th
At around 6:25am, Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to the Salish Lodge for a reported fire alarm called in by the alarm company. Per management onsite, the hood system in the second floor kitchen failed and set off the alarm. Salish facilities personnel were able to get the hood system running and reset the alarm.
August 9th
Around 5:30pm Snoqualmie Firefighters dispatched with other units to a multi-car accident on westbound I-90 at mile post 27. Firefighters assisted with care of 3 patients, all were transferred to Swedish Hospital in Issaquah.
Around 7:45pm Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at Twin Falls Middle School. Alarm was false and could not be reset. Left in trouble mode and alarm technician called for service.
Around 8:30pm Snoqualmie Firefighters called to a residential burn complaint. On arrival found a 5 x 5-foot backyard bonfire with the homeowner extinguishing it.
Around 9pm Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a second fire alarm at Twin Falls Middle School. As in previous call, the alarm was false and could not be reset. Left in trouble mode with notification to alarm technician.
August 10th
Around 5:50am Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at the new Mount Si High School. Alarm was false and system reset.
Around 1:15pm Snoqualmie Firefighters were called out to a smell of smoke near Kimble Creek Drive. nothing was found.
August 11th
Around 5:15pm Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with other units to North Bend for a working fire in a multi-family building. On arrival crew was assigned as search group. Crew performed search of the structure, and then cleared in service.
August 12th
Around 10:45am Snoqualmie Firefighters dispatched to a pickup truck fire, eastbound SR 18 at the summit. Truck was pulling a large trailer and engine caught on fire. On arrival fire was extinguished, but crew put additional water on the engine compartment area to help cool the engine.
Around 3pm Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted other units in a surface water rescue at Rattlesnake Lake. Caller stated that they saw a woman swimming, and when they looked again 5 minutes later, couldn’t see the woman. Thorough search conducted with nothing found.
August 14th
At 6:40am Snoqualmie Firefighters dispatched to a possible vehicle fire on SR 18. On arrival, found a semi-truck on the side of the road with overheated brakes. Washington State Patrol was there investigating. Crew left WSP in control of the scene.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 12 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to date of 764 for 2019.]