December 5th
At 6:07PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a possible propane leak. On arrival, crews were met by a driver that had been towing their trailer when they noticed the propane tanks had fallen and were being dragged across the ground. One tank was empty, the other tank was damaged, but still holding propane. The driver was on his way out of town and simply strapped the good tank into the back of the pickup and continued his drive.
December 7th
At 8:49PM Snoqualmie Firefighters invested a report of an illegal burn. On arrival, crews found a 15′ high burn pile next to natural forest/vegetation. The homeowner was informed of the City’s burning regulation and asked to put the fire out.
December 10th
At 10:32AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at the Eagles Hall. Comcast was working on their phone line and the alarm was a malfunction in the system.
At 3:06PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a fire alarm at Snoqualmie Self Storage. On arrival, there were no signs of fire, but an alarm was sounding. Crews spoke with the facilities person and determined the alarm to be false, unknown cause. Alarm was reset.
December 11th
At 9:45AM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a reported malfunctioning smoke detector in a residence. Crews changed out the batteries at the request of the homeowner with no incident.
At 11:45AM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a 38-year-old female hearing voices. Patient refused care and transport and left in the care of Snoqualmie Police Department.
December 12th
At 9:17PM Snoqualmie Firefighters comforted a female patient who stated she had swallowed a paperclip 9 hours earlier and was feeling ill. Patient was not in distress and told to call if she felt she needed assistance.
December 15th
At 2:06AM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted a 74-year-old female that fell and broke her arm. She was evaluated and transported to Snoqualmie Valley Hospital.
December 16th
At 2:30PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a CO alarm going off and the resident wasn’t sure what to do. Crews investigated and found the detector was at the end of its life. They recommended replacing the detector.
December 17th
At 12:18PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted other Eastside units with an accident victim who had been struck by a farm tractor. Crews performed CPR, however, the patient was declared deceased.
At 7:44PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to the Salish Lodge where an employee had been struck by a piece of trim from a door. The patient opened the door when the top of the door frame gave way and struck her in the head. She was evaluated and transported to Swedish Hospital.
December 18th
At 3:22PM Snoqualmie Firefighters were dispatched to a 47-year-old male involved in a trail bicycle accident. Rider had fallen down a 20-foot ravine and was located off trail. Crews hiked to location, vitals were taken, and patient transported to Overlake Hospital.
At 5:27PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted the Snoqualmie Police Department with entry to a home for a welfare check. Upon entry, crews found a 75-year-old female complaining of generalized weakness. She was treated and left with the police.
At 7:30PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a one-car motor vehicle accident on Reinig Road. The driver sustained moderate injuries and was transported to Harborview Medical Center.
At 10:24PM Snoqualmie Firefighters assisted a 48-year-old male who had a split lip after an argument in his home. He drove himself to Swedish Hospital in Issaquah for treatment.
At 10:58PM Snoqualmie Firefighters responded to a report of a 2-year-old female with a possible arm injury. The child was playing with her mother, being swung by her arms, when she felt a pop. She was evaluated and transported to Swedish Hospital.
[In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 7 medical aid incidents bringing the total number of calls to date of 1165 for 2019.]