December 28, 2022
EMTs responded to assist an individual who fell and suffered a possible head injury during a power outage. The person was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
December 28, 2022
Firefighters responded to a Snoqualmie businesses to assist an individual stuck in an elevator during a power outage. No injuries or medical issues were involved.
December 28, 2022
Crews responded to a fire in a North Bend duplex. Both sides of the duplex were evacuated. In took approximately 40 minutes to get the fire under control. King County fire investigators were called to the scene. No injuries were reported.

December 29, 2022
Crews responded to a North Bend house fire that involved the home’s chimney. The home was evacuated. The fire was under control in approximately 20 minutes. The King County fire investigator was called to the scene. No injuries were reported.
December 30, 2022
EMTs responded to Sno-King Ice Arena for the report of an individual who fell on the ice, possibly suffering a hip injury. The person was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.
December 31, 2022
Firefighters responded to a fire at the North Bend Taco Time. The business was not occupied at the time. The fire took approximately 25 to put out. The King County Fire investigator was called and determined the cause of the fire to be arson.
January 1, 2023
Firefighters responded to Poo Poo Point for the report of a paraglider who crashed into trees near a launch point, falling approximately 100 feet. The person suffered a possible back injury and was transported by airlift to the hospital for treatment.
January 4, 2023
A caller reported seeing flames on wires after a tree branch fell. The branch fell from the wire. Puget Sound Energy was notified.
January 4, 2023
Crews responded to a report of a possible fire in a home’s chimney. The house was evacuated. The home was checked, with no fire was found. It may have been branches on nearby wires that occupants saw.
January 6, 2023
Crews responded to the I-90 off-ramp at SR 18 for an accident involving a box truck and a semi. Only minor injuries were reported.
[information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]