Final Girders on SR 18 Deep Creek bridge to be Placed Monday, January 13th

The final section of concrete girders supporting a new four-lane State Route 18 bridge over Deep Creek will be lifted into place on Monday morning, Jan. 13, about two miles south of Snoqualmie.

No lane closures are planned during Monday’s work, but the girder lift will be visible to people traveling on SR 18. Drivers are asked to remain focused on the road and follow instructions for work crews and road signs.

Contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will place the final seven 83-foot-long girders onto the new bridge as early as 7 a.m. Monday. Two cranes will lift the 45-ton girders and set them to form the northern section of the bridge. Similar girder lifts in November formed the center and southern sections of the bridge.

Improving I-90/SR 18 corridor
The new four-lane SR 18 Deep Creek bridge is part of the I-90/SR 18 Interchange Improvements project, which also is:

  • Building a new diverging diamond interchange to improve traffic flow and safety at the I-90/SR 18 interchange.
  • Constructing a new four-lane SR 18 bridge over Lake Creek.
  • Building a new two-lane bridge over Raging River next to the existing SR 18 bridge.
  • Widening more than two miles of SR 18 south of I-90 to two lanes in each direction.

Real-time travel information is available via the WSDOT mobile app, the WSDOT Travel Center map or by signing up for WSDOT’s email updates.

[Information provided by the Washington State Department of Transportation]

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