A one-car fatal accident that occurred around 12:30PM, August 9th, triggered a large brush fire in the I-90 median – and brought traffic to a standstill in both directions between Issaquah and Preston.
At 1:40PM, WSDOT said traffic was backed up at least three miles in both directions due to the car and brush fire west of milepost 20. The eastbound backup pushed past Issaquah and the westbound backup stretched to Preston.
The Washington State Patrol (WSP), though, said all lanes of eastbound I-90 reopened around 12:45PM
The accident occurred on westbound I-90, just west of milepost 20/Highpoint exit. According to the WSP accident report, the the Mazda 3 [vehicle] left the roadway, veered into the grassy media and struck a concrete drain causing it to roll and catch fire. The tragic accident took the life of a 51-year Renton man.
Fire crews were on scene quickly to battle the ensuing median brush fire, which was extinguished. The left two lanes of westbound I-90 remained closed in the area as detectives conducted an investigation. By 2:15PM, Washington State Patrol said all lanes of I-90 had reopened.
The cause of the crash is still under investigation.