One local girl scout troop is pulling out all the creative stops to earn money for a summer trip to Alaska. Watch out Snoqualmie Valley, that new fundraiser is “flocking” a front yard with plastic pink flamingos – all in the name of fun.
In the spirit of fun this damp springtime, Fall City’s Girl Scout Troop 42412 is facilitating Flamingo Flocking throughout the month of April. They have a lovely flock of flamingos they will put in your friend’s or neighbor’s yard for a small fee. The flocking is done in good spirits. They hope everyone will enjoy the bright and cheerful birds as they temporarily adorn front yards.
Those lucky enough to find flamingos flocking their yard will discover they roost for the day and then in the evening mysteriously migrate to a different friend’s (or victim’s) lawn. Those interested in sending the flock to a friend or neighbor within Fall City, Montaine/Trossach, through the I-202 corridor to Ames Lake, can contact Debbi Luchtel at for an order sheet, to make delivery arrangements or for other questions.
Debbi, who organized the event, said the Pink Flamingo idea came from a Sammamish Girl Scout Troop who had great success and fun with their flock last year; saying “everyone loved it.” Debbi says they’ve never seen the idea used in Fall City so the troop thought it would be fun to give the new fundraising idea a try.
Girl Scout Troop 42412 consists of mainly 8th graders from Chief Kanim Middle School. They are taking a summer cruise from Seattle to Alaska, stopping in Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria, BC, visiting a dog mushing camp while in Skagway.