The City of North Bend has inaugurated a new police substation at the Outlet Mall to bolster local safety and community engagement. This initiative, led by Police Chief Brian Lynch, promises to enhance the police presence and foster stronger community relations.
During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Chief Lynch spoke passionately about the significance of this new addition to the community.
“It is with great pleasure and pride that I stand before you today to hold this ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Snoqualmie/North Bend police department’s outlet mall substation, he began. He emphasized the substation’s role in enhancing community safety, stating, “The establishment of this substation signifies our commitment to ensuring the well-being of all who visit and frequent this retail destination.”
In an interview with Living Snoqualmie, Chief Lynch addressed the project’s budget, dispelling concerns about high costs. “The rent for the space is $410.00 per month which includes utilities,” Lynch said. He added that the City of North Bend would cover this expense. The space was outfitted for under $3,500.00, with Lynch covering several expenses to keep taxpayers’ costs low.
The decision to place the substation at the Outlet Mall was strategic. In the interview, Lynch mentioned that the previous location, across from the library, was unsuitable for public use. “The old building was never meant for public usage. There was no space to bring in citizens to have them report crimes or to take statements of any kind. It was also in a quiet neighborhood, which, in my opinion, wasted the visibility and deterrent to crime that marked patrol cars bring.” The new location at the mall places officers closer to areas they frequently patrol and enhances their presence in the community.
Chief Lynch outlined the substation’s functions, saying in his speech, “The decision to increase police presence at the mall is a deliberate and calculated effort to safeguard the stores and businesses that operate within this premises. Through heightened surveillance and patrols, we are taking concrete steps to mitigate the risks associated with theft, burglary, vandalism, and other illicit behaviors.”

The substation will serve multiple functions, including report writing, conducting training, and hosting meetings with law enforcement personnel and public groups like the North Bend Downtown Foundation.
While there is no fixed schedule for the substation’s operation, Lynch expressed his hopes during the interview, stating, “While we are not able to man the station on set hours, I am hoping to work directly out of the substation at least two days a week to keep the doors open.”
He also clarified that the number of officers assigned to police in North Bend would remain unchanged, but the substation would provide them a place to work daily.
The new substation will significantly benefit the community. Increased visibility and a closer presence in problem areas are expected to deter crime and enhance public safety.
Lynch expressed optimism about the impact, stating, “I am hopeful that having us coming and going at all hours of the day and night will have a direct effect on criminals being so willing to do crime in and around the Outlet Mall.”

Community involvement was integral to the project’s development. The Police Department collaborated with various groups, including the Mayors and City Councils of North Bend and Snoqualmie, the Simon Group, mall business owners, and the North Bend Downtown Foundation. Lynch also presented the idea at several “Chat with a Chief” events to keep the community informed and involved.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony saw a strong turnout, with residents expressing positive feedback about the new substation. “Every comment I heard was positive,” Lynch shared, “The citizens of North Bend are concerned about rising crime in the state, and they do not want that happening here in their town. They see the need and the benefit of having a substation in the Outlet Mall.”
Snoqualmie Mayor Katherine Ross praised the initiative, saying, “The City of Snoqualmie is proud of the services our Police Department provides to the North Bend community. This new station will help to enhance police visibility in the area, foster connections with North Bend residents and help to deter crime.”
North Bend Mayor Mary Miller echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the collaborative effort behind the project. “Thanks to collaborative work between outlet mall owners Simon Properties, the Snoqualmie Police Department and the City, you can expect to see more local police presence in this area of town with the opening of the substation,“ she said.

Establishing the North Bend police substation at the Outlet Mall represents a proactive approach to improving local safety. As the community moves forward, the substation is a testament to the town’s commitment to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all.
[Featured image L to R front: North Bend Mayor Mary Miller, King County Councilperson Sarah Perry, North Bend Councilmember Heather Koellen, Snoqualmie/North Bend Police Chief Brian Lynch, North Bend Councilmember Christina Rustik, Snoqualmie Mayor Katherine Ross, Snoqualmie Councilmember Cara Christensen. L to R back row: North Bend Councilmember Mark Jocelyn, Snoqualmie Police Captain Gary Horejsi, North Bend Councilmembers Suzan Torguson & Alan Gothelf]