Learn how to save lives, protect property, and operate safely in post-disaster environments with emergency response training offered by the City of Snoqualmie.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is open to all Snoqualmie Valley residents. This hands-on course will train you to help your family and neighbors during local and regional emergencies such as earthquakes and floods.

This course requires attendance at four Saturday sessions and is held at the Snoqualmie Fire Station, 37600 SE Snoqualmie Parkway.
- April 15, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- April 22, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- April 29, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- May 6, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. (drill)
Disaster Preparedness
The first session provides an overview of the entire course, recommends personal preparedness steps, and addresses many of the hazards faced by the City of Snoqualmie and the Snoqualmie Valley.
Disaster Fire Suppression
This session addresses fire prevention and dealing with small fires. It covers identifying and reducing potential fire hazards, basic fire suppression strategy, firefighting resources, and firefighting techniques. Attendees will learn hands-on skills for using a full-size fire extinguisher.
Disaster Medical Operations
Disaster medical operations are taught in two sessions. These classes include information on triage techniques, patient assessment, how to treat life-threatening injuries, and first aid.
Light Search & Rescue Operations
Information in this session includes techniques for lifting, cribbing, and victim removal; search and rescue priorities and resources; and equipment needs.
CERT Organization
Police and Fire Departments use the Incident Command System (ICS) to organize first responders at the scene of an incident. This class teaches citizens the basic principles of ICS and how it applies to CERT team organization.
Disaster Psychology & Terrorism
This session describes the post-disaster emotional environment for victims and responders and methods to meet the challenges involved. The class is taught by a police/fire department chaplain with years of professional disaster psychology experience. Students will also learn information for assessing and reporting damage to buildings and infrastructure, construction-related hazards, and rescuer safety. Participants will also be taught about terrorist event response.
Course Review & Disaster Simulation (Drill)
The final CERT session involves a brief review of information followed by a practical drill in which participants exercise some of the skills they have learned in previous class sessions.

As a CERT Participant, You Will Receive:
- Student Manual
- CERT kit (includes a backpack, hardhat, safety vest, goggles, gloves, flashlight, whistle, hand sanitizer, and a Field Operating Guide)
- Certification of Completion (if all criteria have been met)
The course fee is $35 per person and is fully refundable upon completion of all classes. To register for the course, email eoc@snoqualmiewa.gov and include your name, address, and phone number, or call 425-888-5911.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]