Dear Snoqualmie Valley families,
As the Snoqualmie Valley School District continues to plan for in-person learning, our Elementary Teaching and Learning team has been working with principals and staff to revise the Hybrid Learning Model we will implement for grades K-5. After considerable research and examination of hybrid learning models across our state and the nation, we are now planning for an AM/PM Hybrid Instructional Model for all grades K-5, when we are able to welcome students back in the classroom in a limited capacity to support social distancing. This option will provide half-day in-person instruction four days a week (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday) with at-home learning Wednesday – for two cohorts (AM/PM) of students. (This updated hybrid option will replace the previous K-1 model of (4 full days per week) and the A/B Hybrid Model for grades 2-5 (2 days in person, 3 days at home), announced previously. See chart below for a draft of the new AM/PM Hybrid schedule.
Why the change? This new AM/PM Hybrid Model allows us to address many of the challenges that arose while planning for our previous A/B cohort model. With an AM/PM cohort model, we will be able to increase in-person instructional time for all students in Kindergarten through 5th grade, and enable more students to attend school four days per week. This option also minimizes the challenges that arose around social distancing, mask requirements/fatigue, mealtime safety, transportation, etc. in an effort to improve school safety and student support.
Families still have the option of 100% Remote Learning. In order to provide all students, including those 100% online, access to specialists, interventionists, and student services, all K-5 students will follow a similar daily schedule. Remote teachers will be determined once survey results are finalized.
In light of this change to our elementary hybrid model, we wanted to give families the opportunity to make a change in their learning model selection, if desired, before we finalize schedules. At a minimum, selections will apply through the end of the second trimester in March.
Elementary Learning Model Change Request Form:
If you want to change the learning model you previously selected for your elementary student – hybrid learning, stay with current teacher, or 100% remote learning – please log into Skyward Family Access and complete the Elementary Change Request form. This is only for families wanting to make a change. (If you do not complete this form, we will schedule your student based on your most recent learning model selection.)
Confirm Bus Transportation Needs – Grades 1-5:
If your family will need bus transportation when we return (even if infrequently), please log into Skyward Family Access and complete the Transportation Confirmation form. If you do not complete this survey, we will assume your student will not ride a school bus. (Kindergarten families were sent a separate survey regarding their bus transportation needs last week.)
TO BEGIN: If you are the primary guardian (as designated in Skyward), login to Skyward Family Access to find the survey questions/links. If you cannot remember your login/password, please click the link at the login page “Forgot Your Login/Password?” to reset.
Both surveys will close at midnight Wednesday, November 4. For scheduling purposes, selections will be final after November 4 and apply until at minimum the end of the second trimester in March.

Thank you for reviewing this information and confirming your transportation needs. While our plans for reopening schools are still on hold at this time, your input now will help us prepare and be ready for when COVID-19 conditions improve to allow a phased-in approach for in-person learning.
At this time, a decision has not been made regarding who will comprise the two cohort AM/PM groups. Based on responses we receive to this survey, we will be able to provide more details soon.

In the meantime, thanks for continuing to partner with our schools. We appreciate your patience and flexibility needed during this pandemic, as we plan a safe return for Snoqualmie Valley students.
If you have questions please contact your building principal.
SVSD Elementary Administrators