Duvall Announces Newly Redesigned Website to Enhance Citizen and Government Communication

The City of Duvall is thrilled to unveil its newly redesigned website (www.DuvallWa.gov) that went live recently.

This significant upgrade reflects the city’s commitment to modernizing civic engagement and improving community and local government communication channels.

“Today marks a significant milestone for the City of Duvall as we launch our revamped website, providing a more user-friendly platform that enhances communication and engagement for our citizens,” remarked Mayor Amy Ockerlander.

The city’s website, www.DuvallWa.gov, underwent a comprehensive redesign facilitated by CivicPlus, the leading government website provider. This overhaul introduces a sleeker, more intuitive layout and incorporates several new functionalities designed to empower residents and local government officials.

Some of these functions include emergency alert notifications and more access to information on important community events, city announcements, and a citizen reporting system that allows residents to communicate issues like potholes, streetlight outages, or other. “This direct line of communication ensures that we address community issues promptly and efficiently,” noted Mayor Ockerlander. The City of Duvall’s goal with the website redesign is to not only streamline information access but also foster a more engaged and informed citizenry.

[Information provided by the City of Duvall. Featured image credit: Travis Wetherbee-Last Light Photography]

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