Having traveled to Eastern Washington over past Memorial Day Weekends for multiple baseball tournaments and mini-vacations, there is one thing you can expect on the actual holiday (Monday): seriously heavy traffic on westbound I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass and continuing through the Snoqualmie Valley – usually to the SR 18 interchange.
AAA estimated 33 million Americans hit the road Memorial Day Weekend – the most in 10 years and almost a 5% increase over last weekend – fueled by a stronger economy and lower gas prices.
So, if you’re traveling today, bring your patience. If you live in the Snoqualmie Valley and stayed close to home for the holiday weekend, maybe consider taking roads other that I-90 between Snoqualmie and North Bend during the afternoon/evening hours Monday, May 25th.
According to the Traffic Department at King 5 News, once the clock hits 9AM today, traffic could be stop and go between Cle Elum and North Bend (WB 90) – and stay that way through 9PM.
You can check WSDOT traffic cameras over Snoqualmie Pass before you travel…. and other than that, hope for no accidents and bring lots of patience.