Dog Review of a Salish Lodge & Spa Pampered Paws Room: “The Ultimate in Doggie Relaxation”

Bee is my 4-year-old Schnauzer/Poodle and typically would NOT be described as relaxed. Unlike my last dog of the same breed, Bee moves through life as if her tail is on fire and only speed and noise will put it out. She’s been asking for awhile to see this Salish place we talk about, but I’ve been waiting for her to “calm down.”

That’s just not happening.

So, on a beautiful October day Bee and I drove over and met Rebecca McKay, Marketing Manager for the Salish Lodge & Spa, to see a Pampered Paws room. I’ll let Bee take over now but be warned this is her first article and she can’t spell very well.

Ok Bee, here’s your chance, take it!

Hai! I iz Bee-st, dey never call mee Bee don’t think dats mahy name. I had a gud time at zee Salush meeting Rebbuca and eeting kookees!

Bee! Your spelling is atrocious. I don’t think this is going to work. Yoo said I kood rahyt dis! You can but I’m going to interpret for you, ok? Dats akseptuhbuhl I ges…

We like to travel and I pride myself on finding the “perfect” hotel so I’m always on the lookout for destinations that allow dogs. But yoov never teykuhn mee!No, we never have taken you because the hotels don’t allow dogs. So, when I heard about the Pampered Paw rooms at the Lodge, I had to check it out.

Admittedly, I was a little afraid that Bee would let out her signature Schnauzer scream in the lobby and asked if I should wait outside, but Rebecca bravely told me to come on in. I woz good! Well, you were quiet. Dat’s good! Ok enough from the peanut gallery. Thairs peenuhts?


We managed to navigate the elevator and the hallways without any trouble to a beautiful room on the south side of the hotel. Here is a little bit about the rooms from the website:

“Dogs are welcome at Salish Lodge & Spa but dog-friendly rooms are limited and based on availability so advance reservations are required. Guests bringing a dog must sign a waiver at check-in, agreeing to uphold Salish Lodge & Spa’s Pampered Paws Guidelines.”

Intimidated Bee

What did you think of the room Bee? I woz a litl intimideyted. You? Why? It woz veree swangkee. Ahh, yes it was a fancy room with a comfy Salish Lodge & Spa red dog blanket, an all-natural bee shaped dog biscuit made for the lodge by Paws Gourmet and a Salish bone-shaped dog tag for guests to keep as a memento of their stay! Yoo trahyd to trik mee with dat kookee and blangkit! How so? Evreewuhn nohs yoo dohnt get on the bed or eet off the teybuhl! That’s true. It was just a one-time deal for the pictures. They even have an in-room dining menu for dogs. Menyoo? I didn’t see a menyoo. You had plenty of cookie, Bee.

Photo credit Rebecca Mackay

We explored the room and took some photos, but then you figured out what was out the back door, didn’t you? Yes, outsahyd was rayht out the door! Yup, the dog rooms are right next to a green space ideal for play time and convenient access to the waste bag receptacle.

Once you figured that out it was all you could think about, wasn’t it? Thair wur things to smel! That’s true. Have you got anything else to say? Rebbuca was nahys….hai thair are burds outsayd now. Gotuh go BAHRK!

Photo Credit Rebecca Mackay
Photo Credit: Rebecca Mackay

Ok, I guess she’s done. We thought the rooms were beautifully done and should there be an occasion to stay there, I will definitely give them a try.

You can find out more about pricing and guidelines for the Pampered Paws rooms here. Thank you to Rebecca and the Salish Lodge for letting us visit—and for the kookee! Yes, and for the cookie. Woof!

[Contributing writer Melissa Grant is a North Bend resident, wildlife enthusiast and owner / pet trainer at Miss Lola’s Academy for Wayward Dogs.]

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