Have you heard of the Snoqualmie Valley Girls Choir?
Founded in 2004, SVGC has been filling the Valley with song for over a decade. Founders say the choir focuses on a high quality musicianship and developing relationships, as well as service to the Snoqualmie Valley community.
Choir members are part of planning process for each concert, helping choose repertoire and create programs that are meaningful to their own experiences. Members say they’re “a small but mighty group, with an incredible director in Julie Parsons.”
In addition to their formal concerts, the girls have also entertained on the Argosy Christmas Ship, at area Christmas tree lightings, at the Snoqualmie Santa Train, walked in parades, and delivered singing Valentine’s-Day-grams.
And in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, this year the SVGC will be doing a special fundraiser with the support of four great Snoqualmie Valley restaurants.
Saturday, February 11th, if you grab a meal out, your food might be accompanied by some special voices. SVGC will perform at the following local eateries this weekend:
- Fall City Roadhouse (downtown Fall City) – 6PM
- Copperstone Family Restaurant (downtown Snoqualmie) – 6:30PM
- Snoqualmie Brewery (downtown Snoqualmie) – 7PM
- Finaghty’s Irish Pub (Snoqualmie Ridge) – 7:30PM
Snoqualmie Valley Girls Choir is currently recruiting new members for their spring concert. Practice happens Thursdays at Snoqualmie Methodist Church from 4PM-5PM for girls in grades 4-6, with 7-12th graders staying until 5:30PM.
For more information about Snoqualmie Valley Girls Choir visit www.snoqualmievalleygirlschoir.com