Even though the Friends of the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and River tried mightily to oppose the complex, after nearly 5 years of planning, the new Cedar River Partners Apartment Project is anticipated to break ground this month along SE North Bend Way near the intersection of 436th Ave SE. Initial site work includes clearing and grading of the 21-acre site, often referred to as the Dahlgren Property.
The project includes 210 multi-family housing units, associated parking, leasing office/community center; 2,500 lineal feet of street frontage improvements to North Bend Way; a new roundabout at 436th Ave SE; storm drainage facilities, sewer, water main and franchise utility extensions; and a new, large City Park that will connect to King County’s Tanner Landing Park to provide direct access to Middle Fork Snoqualmie River.

North Bend Municipal Code provides protections to preserve the site’s Mt. Si views with three view corridors (minimum width of 60 feet); requires the retention of 30% of the property’s existing trees; increases setbacks along North Bend Way, the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and between buildings; requires additional, denser landscaping; and requires specific building design elements like rough timbers and natural stone materials.
The new 4-acre North Bend – Dahlgren Family Park will be located on the east end of the property adjacent to the Snoqualmie Valley Trail, King County’s Tanner Landing Park and the Snoqualmie River.
Utilizing an Interlocal Agreement (ILA), the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will construct the park rather than the developer, utilizing Park Impact Fee revenue collected by the City from the Cedar River Partners Apartment Project. With DNR handling construction, the project qualifies for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) Grant that the City, DNR and King County were awarded to fund additional improvements at Tanner Landing Park and other water access sites farther up the Middle Fork Valley.
According to North Bend Senior Planner Mike McCarty, “The project doesn’t just immediately benefit City residents through a new park but leverages grant funding for multiple improvements along the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River.”
The new City park will be connected to King County’s Tanner Landing Park, which will receive improvements while the Dahlgren Family Park is under construction. Included in the plans is a new Kayaking and Rafting Center with parking for cars and trailers, a boating drop-off area and picnic area. Other park features include three play areas, picnic shelter and restrooms.

[A formal name for the apartment project has not yet been provided to the City. Water and sewer capacity for the project were reserved with the City in 2017 and 2018 when concurrency certificates were issued. Thus, utility capacity has been held for the project since the time of concurrency certificate issuance.]
But yet nothing on water impacts, sewer impacts or anything. SAD.
All that traffic pouring onto North Bend Way, a two lane country road. When will enough housing be enough to satisfy the developers I wonder. North Bend traffic is already a mess and where will all the children go to school? Too bad the concerned residents weren’t able to stop this.
Jean Buckner here. President of the Friends of the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and River. Our current understanding is that the City cant break ground for several reasons. 1. They have no current Water System Plan; 2 The parcel is not in their territory and 3, they dont have approval from the UTRC, King County or The Department of Health. More to come as we are in discussion with our attorneys. We will likely respond via the Snoqualmie Valley Record as Living Snoqualmie has never provided balanced coverage on issues related to the River or North Bend’s overdevelopment.
Jean Buckner – President of the Snoqualmie Valley Trail and River
Hi Jean,
I messaged your Facebook group earlier for a comment as I wanted to present both sides of the issue. I’m Melissa, I took over Living Snoqualmie at the beginning of September. I was hoping to get your comment in the article but appreciate you commenting in any way you choose. Thank you!
Thank you for the work you are doing on this!!!
Yes and I beleive we told you we’d get back to you Wednesday? And, I believe Living Snoqualmie has warned that the Bulldozers were coming two or three times in the past? And no bulldozers came – so the blogs track record isnt great regarding this proposed development.
That’s great! I’ll have to go back and look for those past articles. Thanks
Jean, thank you for doing all you can to protect our Valley. Patricia McKiernan
Thank you Patricia! Hearing from folks out there helps us keep our spirits (AND WORKLOAD) up! And thanks to all of you who have donated time and funds to keep our effort going! A lot is going on right now and we will be communicating more soon after discussions with our attorney. The City has numerous hurdles to clear before being granted approval for the City’s proposed 1,750-page Water System Plan (WSP). The plan must be approved by numerous entities before any apartments can be built on the mule pasture. We consider the City’s WSP to be fundamentally flawed and will be releasing more about these serious flaws in an upcoming post on our website and Facebook page. Also, currently most all our documents are written for a technical audience and can be difficult to wade through – so we are going to create a fact sheet that puts the facts, as we see them, in plain English. We are looking forward to several important upcoming meetings and will keep you posted. We want North Bend to stop issuing water certificates until they have a current WSP (the current one is long expired) and a VIABLE and robust mitigation plan IN PLACE to properly mitigate or pay the river back for water taken beyond a certain amount during low flow times. You will be hearing more from us through our website, our Facebook page and press outlets. Hang in there – we are working hard to protect the River!
Jean Buckner – President – Friends of The Snoqualmie Valley Trail and River
Sounds like the bulldozers are there…