We are always interested in hearing from you. If you are interested in advertising, we strive to have an option for your business.
- For general information contact: info@livingsnoqualmie.com
- For story ideas contact: storyideas@livingsnoqualmie.com
- To submit classified: email ad text (including price, description, contact info and location) and photo to info@livingsnoqualmie.com
- For advertising, banner ad or business directory listing: advertising@livingsnoqualmie.com
Living Snoqualmie is a popular, local news website with approximately 177,000 monthly page views, 62,500 monthly users (6-month average) and over 25,000 local social media and email followers.
It was the recipient of King 5’s Best of Western Washington ‘Best Neighborhood Blog’ for 2015 – after being a Top 5 finisher in the 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Advertising Opportunities
Banner Ads: We have banner advertising options to meet all budgets – from $75/month to $330/month. Options include 728×90 in content ads; 728×90 top banner ads; 300×600 & 300×250 sidebar advertising; $75/month budget-friendly 300×100 ad; and banner footer ads. Website ads are randomized on every Living Snoqualmie website page, inside content in two, and listed on our business directory page.
Business Directory
If traditional online ads aren’t in your budget, you can capitalize on website traffic looking for local Snoqualmie Valley info by listing your business on the Business Directory page. For $17.50/month or $175/year, your business will be listed, along with a short description, address, contact info and links to your website and/or Facebook page.
Drop us an email at advertising@livingsnoqualmie.com. Let us help your company reach the Snoqualmie Valley.
Commenting/Privacy Policies
3. Comments including profanity will be deleted.
4. Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be not be posted.
5. Comments that attack a person individually will be deleted. Disagreeing with a person’s position on a topic is okay; attacking the person is not. Comments with a mean-spirited or attacking tone will not be published.
6. Comments must include your legitimate first and last name or be present in your registered email address
To create an environment that encourages civil discussions and the exchange of opinions – even those that differ – we request:
- No obscenities, threats, hate speech, personal attacks, bullying or attempts to defame
- No lies, no fakers, no promotion of illegal activities
- No spam, no adverts, no off-topic posts
If your comment violates these rules it will be deleted. If you continue to violate these rules you will be banned from posting again.
If you see other comments you believe violate these rules report them to us at info@livingsnoqualmie.com