Curious when all the construction projects in Snoqualmie will come to a close? Well, the Snoqualmie Planning and Building Departments provided some answers today.
Chase Bank plans to open its new Snoqualmie branch at the corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Center Blvd in early May. Parking lot pavement is in, landscaping is commencing and the drive-thru and building exterior are being finished – even in the heavy rain. Chase is planning a grand opening celebration for May 11, 2013.

Morning Star Montessori School, slated for the corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson Drive is in the dry wall stage of construction according to a report to city council on April 8, 2013. Dan Thomason, Snoqualmie Building Official, said via email today that construction is progressing “very slowly,” but should be complete by mid-June to July 1st.
Owners of the new school said in August that they hoped to open by January 2013. Thomason explained there were a number of unforeseen issues with the school’s construction which took time for the owner and contractor to resolve.
Meanwhile, Motion Water Sports is still waiting patiently to finish painting the rest of their new headquarters bordering Snoqualmie Parkway near Fairway Ave. The one remaining unpainted concrete wall will be tested for moisture content next week and painting will begin if the wall is deemed dry enough.
Unfortunately the building’s north side doesn’t get a lot of sun to help with drying and if they paint while the concrete has too much moisture, the paint will only peel.
Motion Water Sports says completing the painting and landscaping of their headquarters is a priority, but are waiting for the weather to cooperate. They are holding an open house on May 2nd and hope to have everything finished by then.