Snoqualmie Valley Relay for life invites the community to The Great SnoValley Kick-off and Dessert Auction on Saturday, February 1, 2020 from 6-8PM at the Snoqualmie Valley Eagles, 8200 Railroad Ave.
It’s a chance to how Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society helps local survivors and caregivers through community donations.
Relay for Life is a national fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. This year Snoqualmie Valley’s Relay for Life happens at Tollgate Farm Park, June 27th-28th. Relay teams fundraise throughout the winter and spring and then teams walk laps throughout the day and night during the weekend fundraiser. The event also includes a kick-off concert and Luminaria ceremony. See full event details HERE.
The February 1st SnoValley Relay for Life kick-off event also includes a fun Dessert Auction. Attendees are invited bring and bid on a variety of desserts at the “Great SnoValley Bake Off.” All proceeds will go back towards local Relay for Life events.