The community is invited to join local 4-H club The Snoqualmie Valley Evergreens on Saturday, February 29th for the club’s first rabbit show at Sallal Grange in North Bend.
Rabbit check-in starts at 9AM, show begins at 9:45AM. The show is open to the public – anyone is welcome to come and watch to learn more about 4-H.
If you’d like to enter a rabbit in competition, it’s open to Evergreen’s members as well as any other 4-H King County Clubs.
This is a 4-H qualifying show for the King County Fair and will include Fitting and Showing, a contest that tests the skills, knowledge, and confidence of the exhibitor. Following Fit & Show, the judge will then evaluate by Type, comparing the breed of the rabbit to others in its class.
There is limited parking, however auction items and refreshments will be sold with proceeds going back to the Sno Valley Evergreens 4-H club.
Day of show entry fee is $6 per rabbit and it’s free to just come and watch the show.
To register, email with child’s name, age, grade, and 4-H club, plus the ear number, breed, variety, age, and sex of the rabbit you’d like to enter.