The Sallal Grange says it will be hosting an important community forum on Monday, October 10th, 2016 from 7PM – 9pM to discuss homeless teens in the Snoqualmie Valley.
According to OSPI’s 2014-2015 Homeless Student Report, there are over 60 such homeless teens in the Valley – which is a higher percentage than in either the Issaquah or Bellevue School Districts. According to a press release for the forum, this number includes only those teens who are enrolled in school and who self-report.
Organizers say given the difficult nature of accurately identifying homeless youth, this is certainly an undercount – and that these transitional-aged youth are particularly vulnerable and underserved. There are currently no group homes and a lack of resources for these kids in the Snoqualmie Valley.
The Sallal Grange invites community members join them and a panel of local service providers to begin exploring and better understanding this issue. They say they need everyone who has information to share or who is interested in gaining more insight to participate.
Forum organizers says teen homelessness is a complicated issue, but one that has solutions and that needs thoughtful consideration and effort to make meaningful change. They say solutions won’t come in one night, but if community members have ideas or concerns – they want to hear them.
Organizers say, “This will be the first of an ongoing conversation to find community-supported solutions.”
Those interested in joining but unable to attend on October 10th can contact Alexis at Lecturer@SallalGrange.ORG to share interest, ideas, or concerns.
For more information visit the Facebook event page.

Put them to work on public projects. Feed and pay them. House them in barracks. Corporal punishment for drug use. Transition them into the private work force at age 20.
There, you don’t need a community forum anymore.
What an opportunity. Take one of these kids into your home. Volunteers could sign up at the important community meeting.
I don’t think that’s legal.
Actually, it’s not illegal and there is a Y program that helps facilitate matches. Furthermore, the Gov signed ithe “Host Home” which simplifies placing homeless teens under 18 into to substitute homes (not CPS).
The YMCA Host Home Program addresses the housing needs of homeless young people, ages 18-24 who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless in King County. Host families’ are volunteers from the community who willingly open their home to provide safe, short-term, and supportive housing to a young person while they work on becoming stable and self-sufficient. If you are interested in offering a room in your home to a young person in need and/or learning more about the Accelerator YMCA’s Host Home Program, please contact Nicole Guiberteaux, at or visit
Great info Trissa – this program isn’t for high school students under 18, though?
It is always better to be compassionate with your own time, property, and money.