King County wants to hear from people who travel on SE Middle Fork Road heading to Mailbox Peak. According to King County Local Services, there is a speed limit reduction proposed for that segment of Road.
After receiving resident comments about speeding between the North Bend City Limits (near 468th Avenue SE) and the east end of the SE Lake Dorothy Road couplet, the County decided to conduct a speed limit evaluation to analyze the issue.
Says the County: “Based on the engineering data obtained and evaluation of prevailing speeds, number of intersecting streets and driveways, curved alignment, sight distance limitations, narrow roadway width, and collision data, the County determined the speed limit on SE Middle Fork Road – the lower couplet – should be reduced from 35 to 30 mph to match the speed limit east of the couplet.”
Even though there has only been one accident on SE Middle Fork road between 2013 and 2017, data shows the lower speed of 30 mph is appropriate for the 1.2 miles with its limited sight distance at three intersecting roadways and 18 driveways.
The speed limit from the city limit to the west end of the SE Lake Dorothy Road couplet would remain at the current 35 mph speed limit. The new 30 mph speed limit would match the existing speed limit east of the SE Lake Dorothy Road couplet within the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Area.
Area residents will be contacted about the proposed change in August. Urban Area Councils, community groups, the City of North Bend, and the general public will be also be notified. Comments from the public will be requested via newspaper notice and electronic media.
If you have a question or comment about this proposed change, you may submit it until September 11, 2020, to Roads Communications Manager Broch Bender at 206-263-1189 or or you may send a letter to:
Broch Bender, King County Dept. of Local Services 201 South Jackson Street, MS: KSC-TR-0313, Seattle, WA 98104-3856