It appears the City of Snoqualmie isn’t the only local municipality selling a vacant land parcel used for parking.
On December 7, 2018 the City of North Bend closed on the sale of a 7,000 sq. ft. lot at the corner of Sydney Ave and W. North Bend Way – adjacent the Moose Lodge. The city had owned the lot since 1997.
Minutes from a City Council Work Study session in late May noted the possible sale of surplus property as a way to generate cash funds for the construction of North Bend’s new city hall. In December 2013, the City Council adopted a resolution that surplussed the Sydney lot, which is currently used for parking.
According to work session minutes, council members discussed pros and cons of selling the property and ultimately directed staff to to sell the property for the highest price.
According to the King County Department of Assessments, the North Bend Way/Sydney lot was sold to Geoff and Barbara Jarman for $240,000.
Mayor Hearing said the lot was sold to a developer, but that he didn’t yet know what their plans are for the parcel.
As part of their financing for the new city hall, the City of North Bend planned to sell this land parcel and its current city hall and old fire station on West 2nd Street in downtown.

Is the buyer paying 50cents per month in property tax, like the Snoqualmie sale?
Adam – wait? what?
Selling off critical parking in tourist towns? Stupid? Or downright criminal? Did the buyer in NB pay into their Mayor’s campaign for higher office, too? What a bunch of short-sighted CROOKS we have exploiting our beautiful Valley. Pathetic. Vote ’em all out!!