City of Snoqualmie Launches Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program

On April 11, 2022, Snoqualmie City Council members approved Resolution 1610, awarding a Public Works contract to begin the City’s Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program to eliminate many trip hazards in Snoqualmie neighborhoods. 

The $574,000 contract was awarded to Nordvind Company, LLC, and construction is expected to begin this summer. 

As street trees around the city have matured, associated root systems have caused sidewalk panels in many neighborhoods to become potential trip hazards. As such, these panels must be repaired or completely replaced. 

The City’s non-utilities 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identified the need to regularly repair and replace sidewalks to maintain City standards and facilitate safe pedestrian travel. 

Identified locations across the city will be addressed during the 2022 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement project, which is the first project of the ongoing program. 

In areas where sidewalk panel replacement is necessary, prevention methods are required, including root pruning, root barriers, articulating sidewalk joints, and root channels. Some problematic trees may have to be removed to prevent future sidewalk damage. 

City of Snoqualmie Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Project maps

Although construction is estimated to begin this summer, work is schedule-dependent, and delays are possible due to a backlog of concrete projects resulting from the recent concrete workers’ strike. 

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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