According to a city press release, Snoqualmie has begun the long-planned Railroad Place, Newton and Delta Street Utility Improvements Project in downtown Snoqualmie.
Per the release, the project “includes replacement of water and sewer mains, installation of storm drainage systems, sidewalks, ADA accessibility ramps, and improvements to the streets consistent with City of Snoqualmie adopted standards.”
Project cost is $2.4 million. It is one of the city’s multiple Capital Improvement (CIP) Projects in the downtown area.
The city said most of the sanitary sewer and water system has reached or surpassed its functional life, significantly deteriorating in recent years. The project will replace mains with better and longer lasting products and install storm drains.
A major, and perhaps more noticeable, part of the project will also connect SE Newton Street from Doone Ave SE to Olmstead Place SE, creating a direct connection from 384th St SE to State Route 202/Railroad Ave.
The city expects the new connection to improve traffic flow within the downtown area.
See Video of the Project below:
Project Includes:
- New pavement on SE Newton St, Reinig Pl SE, the Maple Ave cul-de-sac, and Railroad Pl SE
- New curbs and gutters (in most sections)
- New ADA accessibility ramps and sidewalks along SE Newton St
- Replacing existing water and sewer pipes
- Added water, sewer, and stormwater mains in some areas
Effects on Residents from August 2020 through February 2021 include:
- The project will move from street to street and will not affect the entire neighborhood at any one time.
- Temporary traffic stops or street closures may be required. Flaggers will be present.
- Some sections of roadway may be temporarily closed during paving. Signage will be on roadways prior to the start of paving.
- Occasionally, a driveway or roadway may be temporarily blocked, in which case the affected resident(s) would need to temporarily use approved street parking in nearby areas until work is completed. Notice will be given prior to closure.
- In areas under construction, on-street parking will be restricted.

It’s interesting how mayor Larson and his employees have no regard to federal laws such as Americans with disabilities act or the Americans over 60 that are not to be intimated or taken advantage of as he steals there land. Property they purchased and with no regard, he steals. He didn’t buy the square footage he stole it . Taking anything that you didn’t buy is theft. Period
He freely takes whatever property he wants for his projects and answers to no one and the citizens have no protection at all.
Clearly violating the disturbing the peace and security for the disabled.
As he opens more of the property to the perverts that walk around here looking through all the windows.
These sewer lines weren’t right in the first place and these elderly people have been paying out of there pocket per the city to fix sewer lines going to the main line at the cost of $8000.00. Where’s there money this was the citys problem not these home owners. At the time the city told these homeowners it was there responsibility to pay the bill.
Sat the Aug. 22 they were using equipment on a property for a waterline the machine caved in the line with city officials here and a construction worked was pulled into the hole. The neighbors got him clothes and helped as the construction company and city officials quickly covered it all up and shut down for the day.
We took pictures and made sure to send them into the appropriate authorities.