Chance to Hear More School Bond Details, Lend Input: District Bringing Latest Proposal to Public Meetings


Have thoughts you like to share about the next school bond that’s been in the planning stages for over a year?  Want to hear details about why the school board has honed in on a remodel and expansion of Mount Si High School as a possible solution for long-term capacity and educational needs?  If so, your chance is coming next week.

For over a year now, the Snoqualmie Valley School Board has been working toward bringing a new school bond proposal to the public.  The latest bond possibility would 1) modernize, rebuild and expand Mount Si High School (doing such would eventually reinstate the Freshman Campus as middle school space); 2) construct a sixth elementary school; and  3) fund needed facility improvements at other Snoqualmie Valley Schools.

Spring focus group feedback helped give the school board early direction and now that the latest bond option has been fine-tuned further, the District would like to hear from community members about the new proposal.

If you would like to hear more details about the bond currently under consideration, as well as lend feedback to the district, three community meetings are scheduled.

Feedback from the meetings will help determine the next steps in the bond review process. District administrators and school board members will also be meeting with SVSD staff members to discuss the proposal, as well as possibly scheduling an E-Meeting the week of December 16, 2013.

More information and complete details about the bond proposal components can be found at

Scheduled Bond Proposal Community Meetings:

  • Tuesday, December 10th, 6:30PM at Mount Si High School Library
  • Thursday, December 12th, 12:30PM at SVSD District Office
  • Thursday, December 12th,  6:30PM at Chief Kanim Middle School



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