Cascade View Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs. Kinghorn, Honored as Teacher Of The Month

Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid just announced its November Teacher of the Month, awarding Snoqualmie’s Cascade View kindergarten teacher, Kalla Kinghorn, the honor.  Mrs. Kinghorn was nominated by a former student.  Here is an excerpt of the nominating letter:

“My son, Brady, had Mrs. Kinghorn as a kindergartener.  She was amazing in so many ways.  Aside from being patient, kind and so linear with the kids (much needed in K) she made sure that each kid felt so special.  Last year when Brady was in 1st grade, he had a hard time adjusting.  He didn’t want to go to school.  Upon asking for advice, she suggested he come in and help her during her prep time in the mornings. He was so excited to go each time and felt connected and important.  I know how valuable that prep time is.  To take that extra time for him and to make him feel needed for the new kindergarteners was amazing. She went above and beyond.  I know that parents adore her each year as does her current class.  I am just still so thankful for the teacher that she is.  She made such a difference for Brady and he is a happier, brighter and more confident child because of her!  Brady sees her in the halls from time to time and he is always welcomed with a smile and a big hug.  Calla Kinghorn is the kind of teacher you want each of your children to have!”

Thanks to generous sponsors, Mrs. Kinghorn was awarded a $100 Woodman Lodge gift certificate, courtesy of Cary Porter from Cascade Team Real Estate and the Woodman Lodge, a massage gift certificate from Therapeutic Health in North Bend, as well as a plaque from Issaquah Trophy & Awards.

To read the full article visit Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid.

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