With reports of multiple car prowls in the Ironwood neighborhood of Snoqualmie on the night of Tuesday, June 7th, followed by the report of a suspected home prowler awakening a sleeping resident in the Edgeview neighborhood on June 8th, some residents are wondering if crime is on the rise in Snoqualmie.
The Edgeview incident, according to a police call log, occurred when a resident sleeping in the home’s basement was awakened by a motion sensor trying to activate. The resident looked out the window, saw someone peering into the home and ran upstairs where the home’s security system was activated in an attempt to scare the suspected prowler away. Officers quickly responded and checked the area around the home, but no one was found.

According to Snoqualmie Police Department Captain Nick Almquist, crime “is not really on the rise” in Snoqualmie. He said rather it’s the time of year that this type of activity (car and home prowls) picks up around the region. Almquist added, “Much like Christmas time when packages get taken from door steps.
Snoqualmie boasts a lower than average crime rate, both statewide and nationally, according numerous websites that track crime stats. In 2015, it was named the #3 safest city in Washington, but that does not mean it is immune from crime. Residents are encouraged to be vigilant when it comes to locking doors to help prevent becoming a victim of home and/or car prowls.
In May another wave of Snoqualmie car prowls was reported – and in all 12 cases they occurred after dark to unlocked cars, with one incident happening due to a garage door being inadvertently left open.
So what can homeowners do?
Tips from the Snoqualmie Police Department to prevent Residential Burglaries:
- Lock all doors and windows, even if you are only going to be gone for a short time.
- Consider installing a monitored home security system (also will reduce cost of homeowners insurance)
- If you have a security system, make sure it’s armed
- Install good exterior lighting
- Leave exterior lights on at night
- Shut and lock your garage door when you are not inside.
- Install track-type locks, removable drop bars (such as a “Charlie Bar”), or pinning devices on sliding glass doors.
- Lock exterior gates, especially if home backs to a greenbelt or trail
- Do not hide spare house keys (or car keys) outside your house or car.
- Make sure your house numbers are readable from the street so police and fire can easily find you home
- Call 911 if you observe suspicious behavior
- When on vacation, request home checks by the Snoqualmie Police Dept.
Car Prowl Prevention
- Lock car doors at all times.
- Do not leave valuables in cars.
- Do not leave GPS units or power cords in plain sight.
- Park in garages or well-lit areas.
- When parked outside of a garage, remove the garage door opener to protect your home.
For more information about crime prevention or to request vacation checks for your home, visit the Snoqualmie Police Department homepage.

Lies, damn lies and statistics. Our local law enforcement are masters of statistics. They have a tough job, with half the number of officers that they really need, but they don’t help themselves by trying to downplay stuff like this, we all see through the BS.