Car Prowlers Target Unlocked Vehicles in North Bend, Snoqualmie; over 40 in Past Month

On Tuesday, November 24, 2015, the Snoqualmie Police Department, which serves the cities of Snoqualmie and North Bend, reported over the past month it has received multiple calls reporting vehicle break-ins.

Snoqualmie Police Chief Steve McCulley said the majority of the prowls involved unlocked cars with valuables left in the car, adding, “The disturbing part is that most of the unlocked cars also had a garage door opener inside, which could allow easy access to garages and homes.”

According to SPD, over the past month, 18 car prowls have been reported in Snoqualmie, mostly on Snoqualmie Ridge, but also in the upper parking lot of Snoqualmie Falls Park. Twenty-four car prowls have also been reported in North Bend over the past month.

Snoqualmie Police recently arrested juvenile, male suspects in the North Bend prowls. On Monday, November 23rd, the department tweeted that they had arrested several on car prowl charges Sunday night.

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Charges have not yet been filed, but according to a press release, they will likely be forwarded to the King County Prosecutors Office Juvenile Section.

Car Prowl Prevention Tips

When it comes to our cars, police offer these important tips. They also remind us that as it is the holiday season, to Lock-Vehicle-Parking-Lot-Sign-K-4609to conceal presents stored in vehicles, especially while at shopping malls. And if you hear something suspicious (shattering glass) or see someone looking into vehicles, call 911

  • Park in a garage or a well-lit area whenever possible
  • Lock the ignition and doors and roll up all windows
  • Car alarms are convenient and effective; avoid isolated areas
  • Park near locations frequently used by pedestrians
  • Install and use removable stereo-electronic equipment and a portable GPS

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