On New Year’s Eve afternoon, the Snoqualmie Police Department [via social media] encouraged residents to find alternate transportation if they were planning to celebrate that evening. They even announced they would have extra officers patrolling North Bend and Snoqualmie, looking for intoxicated drivers.
Some, though, didn’t head the warning and by New Year’s morning SnoPo announced that New Year’s Eve night still proved to be a busy one for officers.
Snoqualmie Police reported “when the dust all settled, fireworks died out, and arrest paperwork was counted,” the results were:
Four DUI arrests – two in North Bend and two in Snoqualmie. Three were alcohol-related and one was drug-related.
SPD said one DUI driver also was charged with reckless endangerment because his one-month old was in the vehicle. They reported another driver was so intoxicated that he “made a miss in the backseat of a patrol vehicle.”
Four other drivers will face the charge of driving with a suspended license, with one getting an extra charge for driving without a required ignition interlock device.
Officers also responded to one alcohol fueled disturbance and made one outside agency warrant arrest.
SPD said in addition to DUI training at the law enforcement academy, many of its North Bend and Snoqualmie officers are also graduates of the ARIDE -Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement – program.
The Snoqualmie Police Department has developed a reputation for creative hashtags that accompany their Facebook updates. Today’s post included the hashtags: #buzzeddrivingisdrunkdriving #weeddoesntmakeyouabetterdriver
#wetriedtowarnyou #disappointedsnopo #dontpeeinthebackseatpleaseitsyucky #thisissomeofwhatwedealwith#fashionistacops