Boo! Snoqualmie Valley Halloween Houses Worth a Photo Op!

It’s that time of year – the holiday decorating time of year.  So I was curious.  Have you ever lived next door to the king or queen of outdoor holiday decorating?

For six years, I did.  Back on Cranberry Court our home was sandwiched in between Christmas-loving Clark Griswold (said with pure admiration Mark) and the Halloween-loving Bride of Frankenstein (wish I had your scary style Kristin).

I loved it.  Mainly because I could live vicariously through their creativity.  But in my kids’ eyes, it only reinforced the fact that I was, indeed, holiday decorating challenged.  There were years I tried, but it never quite measured up to the displays next door.

So as we enter this back-to-back holiday season, I thought it would be fun to take pictures of houses in the area that, in my opinion, are in the running for king/queen of outdoor holiday decor.  I hope you email me photos if someone in your neighborhood takes holiday decorating to the next level.

First up, Halloween. Now remember, at night these are even better. So I will give you the general area (located in picture caption) for a night-time drive by so you can test my judgement.

Christmas should be fun.  Need a prize to offer…  Happy Halloween everyone!

This display is in the Snoqualmie Woody Creek neighborhood – Wow!
Same Woody Creek house at night, again, Wow!
Head to the very bottom, northern end, of Douglas Ave for this great Snoqualmie display. Good treats on Halloween too!
Also on Douglas Ave near Cascade View Elementary. You can’t see it, but the wind blew the giant house-size ghost onto the roof! Good treats! This house is known to have a back up of trick-or-treaters Halloween night.
Small, dark Macintosh Court in Snoqualmie might creep you out. The 15 foot narrow porch entryway is as spooky as they get – even if you can’t see it in the picture.
Macintosh Court offers a double-whammy on Halloween decorating. Located directly next door house 3 is this one. Thinking maybe these homeowners are competing? Definitely win the Deer Park prize.




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Living Snoqualmie